Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2016

Reacting cat bites and scratches

What should you do when being bitten by cats and other random facts about cats right here

React calmly. Never hit, shout, chase, or lose your temper with a cat. You will simply terrify the cat and cause it to become nervous and confused.
Never call a cat to you and then punish it. The cat hasn't got a clue why you're responding negatively to him. In fact, the cat probably expects a pleasant response if you call it.

Remove yourself from the situation. The first thing to do is stop touching the cat and then hold your hands well out of striking range. If he doesn't calm down within a few seconds, stand up slowly so you can remove him from your lap. Walk away and do not return until he has calmed down.
Avoid soothing your cat after biting or scratching. Instead, signal your displeasure to the cat. After you've disciplined it, do not begin cuddling and petting him. This will confuse your cat and give him mixed signals. It may even begin biting you in order to get a cuddle.

Give the cat a way out. If you are trying to get from one room to another and a hissing, snarling cat blocks the way, look at the situation from his viewpoint. The cat believes he is trapped and you are walking towards him, which he perceives as a threat. He wants to run but there is no escape route so he must defend himself by attacking. The simple solution is to step aside, let the cat pass (which he will do at speed) and then go about your way.
Don't feed your cat for 20 minutes following a biting or scratching incident, as this might be wrongly taken as a reward.
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Understand what encourages a cat to change its behavior. Cats respond best to positive reinforcement, namely praising and rewarding appropriate behavior, while ignoring and withdrawing from inappropriate behavior.
Hand the cat a catnip mouse to bite instead of you. Then, praise the cat for biting the toy.

Try the voice and body method. As soon as the cat bites or scratches, say "NO!" in an authoritative tone. At the same time, point your finger at the cat. Stare at the cat directly with an unimpressed or fierce look. Stares are regarded in the cat world as a threat of dominance.
It also helps to remove yourself from the cat's vicinity after doing this, or to ignore him for about 10 minutes.

Try the hand clapping method. When your cat bites or scratches, clap your hands and say "NO!" firmly. Remember, don't shout at your cat or clap directly in your cat's face. It can scare him and leave him nervous. Repeat this whenever biting or scratching occurs. Your cat should learn to stop.
This method works with a dominant, aggressive or cheeky cat. It's not recommended for use with a timid or nervous cat, since it can reinforce these traits.

Try to ignore the cat. The moment your cat stops biting or scratching you, stand up and walk away in a dismissive fashion without any further interaction. Make sure that the cat is all alone in the room with no human interaction for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this each time he tries to bite or scratch you. He will quickly associate the bad behavior with being ignored.
This method won't work with all cats, but works well with very affectionate cats, since they'll miss the attention, and with kittens, since they're still learning manners.

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